Les Comes 4×4 Festival
After 10 years celebrating this great event for lovers of the Off Road, the time has come to take a break. Despite having lived years of great enthusiasm and success, the Organization has not felt comfortable with some behaviors and events that have occurred in the last 2 editions. That is why we have decided that it is currently impossible to continue in the same way.
We will look for a new event formula that offers a balance between the wishes of the public, care for the natural environment of the venue and its integrity and respect among all attendees.
Finally, we want to thank you for everything we have experienced all these years together, for your affection and for your trust.
Getting here
C-55 P.K.: 43,5
08260 Súria
(Barcelona) Spain
Tel. (34) 93 868 25 60
Train: Ferrocarriles de la Generalitat / Renfe
Bus: Autocars Julia / ALSA
Taxi: Manresa / Barcelona